This article talks about branding to the generation that will be largest number of consumers in the coming years.

Gen Z (born after 1997) are going to be the largest consumer group in a couple of years and businesses are trying very hard to keep up. Companies are trying to promote their work without getting cancelled or boycotted.
Gen Z and Millennials spend more time on social media than any other generation and many officials think that the curated versions people put of themselves online making it difficult to create real connections with others.
By 2020, Gen Z is expected to account for 40% of all customers. Even more astounding, one expert says “Generation Z is one of the most powerful consumer forces in the market today. Their buying power is $44 billion and expands to $600 billion when considering the influence they have on their parents’ spending.”
Are you sure you want to ignore an entire generation!
Brands can help facilitate authentic connection and conversation, but it goes beyond working with influencers and posting on social media. The answer? Seek real people who have interesting platforms and embody your brand’s values.

Fun and authentic
“If you are, you are. Don’t seem.” — some Gen Z kid after some illegal activity. Gen Z respong authenticity rather than witty one liners which worked for Millennials. The humor also works different for Gen Z. Absurd-ism and self-deprecating humor is more prevalent among this generation. If you want to target Gen Z they can be seen lurking on popular medias like Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter!

Transparent & Accountable
Gen Z is born in an informative age. They will research your brand. They are also the largest set of people to boycott products based on their approach towards society. So, if you’re a particularly big MNC, you shouldn’t really promote “Save Water” campaigns.

Tokenism & Representation
Gen Z wants corporate to find the difference between the two. Learn it. Apply it!
Now if you hear someone say “Kids these days” you don’t have to partake in the conversation unless its about addiction to screens. But if you’re a brand, how is that bad?
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