An efficient team builds an efficient company, this two-part article talks about the troubles of a remote design studio and ways to tackle them.
Our Story
Today, we’re going to share a problem that has been conveniently overlooked by the design studios. Obstacles and hindrances aren’t a rare occurrence in small to mid size studios. Always having to look out for the big structure has made us wary of the future. Planning ahead has always been our forte, till last year.
Managing a studio and maintaining the quality of the work in the middle of the biggest economic crisis might have been the issue. But due to the nature of this work, designing being a creative sector has successfully managed to cut losses without any drastic actions. But we had underestimated the role of this pandemic in changing the direction of the studio. Now, we have a peculiar problem on our hand.
Invisible teams!
An invisible team is a remote team communicating with the manager and the team using only electronic means from their homes. The pandemic has shown us that working from home can be a viable option. Communicating with your teams via different medias to share and exchange ideas is the new normal.
Even then the system has been getting more and more demanding. Graphic designing is a team effort, the team must communicate efficiently in order to create dynamic work.
New problems?
Sometimes, despite extensive planning, problems can still fly under the radar. Had the concept of remote work grown organically, perhaps smaller businesses might have found the time to experiment and streamline communication while working from home effectively. Unfortunately, we have all been thrust into an unfamiliar situation with no prior warning. We can only take it in stride and work with what we have.
Designers need face-to-face brainstorming to thrive and think dynamically. Young designers are always excited to hop on this activity with much energy. But now, prolonged isolation makes them restless due to a lacking social life, and understandably so. Lack of guidance from a mentor can sometimes result in confusion and self-doubt. A slip-up in communication can create a misunderstanding that would rarely exist in a physical workplace.
But don’t worry…
These challenges are very much real yet the typical corporate structure will ignore it as the capital and labor saved overshadows these grievances. So, you might be wondering, what can you do to avoid them? You can’t avoid them but you can definitely face them. Stick around for Part 2!